Don Hummer Trucking Corporation

Holiday DeLight Parade 2016

Posted on December 7, 2016 at 3:03 PM by Blog Committee

Saturday was the annual Fire and Ice Festival, including the Holiday DeLight Parade, in downtown Cedar Rapids. This was our 5th year participating in the event. Friday afternoon, a few of us took some time to decorate one of our new Kenworth T680 trucks. We used Christmas lights, wood cutouts, and some decal eyes to create our very own Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

About 20 minutes before the parade started, we had a small hiccup. Our inverter blew, and we lost all of our lights! Luckily, the parade coordinators let us move to the back of the parade, and that bought us enough time for Chris to run and find a new inverter. He was able to change out the inverter just in time, and we were ready to go!

Thank you to those who helped and came out to cheer us on! We are already looking forward to next year! 

Written by Akeyla Choate

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