Don Hummer Trucking Corporation

3rd Annual PDAC

June 16, 2017

The 2017 Professional Driver Advisory Committee (PDAC), hosted by our President, Chris Hummer, just wrapped up their meeting at the Hotel Kirkwood in Cedar Rapids, IA. These round table discussions give drivers the opportunity to provide insight which may not always be obvious. This collaborative format allows the company and drivers to benefit from hearing each other’s perspectives.

Some of the topics of discussion included trip planning, navigation, equipment, and training. The overall goal of the Professional Driver Advisory Committee meeting is to improve operations, safety, and benefit initiatives throughout the company.

Thanks to all the drivers who took time out of their busy schedules to attend and provided their insight and knowledge:

Brian Knaack, Arash Ordobadian, Lewis Minehart, David Dreier, Keith McKinney, Leroy McCall, Allan Benat, Ricky Daveluy, Barb Greer, Rob Greer, and Molly Champeau. Check out some pictures from the 2017 Professional Driver Advisory Committee event below!

Group photo of Don Hummer Trucking employees at PDAC 2017.









In addition to their participation, we’d also like to thank them for appearing in recruiting videos and for being such good sports. Special thanks to our marketing agency, de Novo Alternative Marketing, for their participation.

Second team photo of Don Hummer Trucking employees at PDAC 2017.

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